
Untitled Beast Fable

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I will tell you the tale of a young fox girl.  Her name is Dolosa, and she was a beautiful red vixen.  Dolosa was also extremely intelligent, and highly resourceful.  However, despite her intelligence and beauty, people didn’t trust her.  She was a fox, and the animals all thought that foxes were distrustworthy and thieves.
Dolosa, feeling alone and left out, mournful that none would talk to her.  However, that was not entirely true.  There was a noble cock, Father Verum, who did talk to Dolosa.  The catholic priest believed that even if she was a fox, she was still a child of God, and should be brought to him.  So Dolosa began to talk to Father Verum, her slight accent and high-pitched voice often attracted looks, particularly when followed by the low familiar voice of the Pastor.  The animals often scowled, and talked behind their hands when the two passed.
“Look at that, Father Verum is getting tricked.” One cat whispered to her neighbour, who shook her head.
“I hope that old fool comes to his senses soon.  They can’t be trusted.”
Still the cock did not stop talking to Dolosa, and eventually began to attempt to introduce her into the society.  However, most of the animals did not want to associate with a fox.  Eventually Dolosa confided to Father Verum, “Father, why is it that people do not want to be with me?  Am I not like them?  Am I not a child of God?”
“My child,” Father Verum replied, “it is because they do not see the beauty that is you.  They prefer to dwell within the past, and refuse to think that there might be those whom are different.”  Dolosa looked at him, her eyes swimming with tears.
“But why is it that they can’t see?”
Father Verum bowed his head, “It is because they have closed their eyes, and both you and God are needed to open them.”  This seemed to give Dolosa some hope, and she tried her best to help out, but only one seemed to take notice of this.
His name was Malfoy, and he was a large grey wolf who had three others who followed them.  Their names were Balatro, Pius, and Certus, and they were three sheep.  Balatro was the largest of the three, with large rams horns on his head.  Pius, was smaller than Balatro, and has smaller horns, but they were still curved slightly.  Certus was the smallest of the group with no horns of his own.
Malfoy appeared to be interested in Dolosa, and invited her to join his group.  Dolosa, excited that she might finally be getting accepted, she accepted.  As thus, she began to gather with Malfoy and his group.  However, not a week later, there was a robbery at the local jewellery store, and a pearl necklace was stolen.
The whole town was in uproar, who could have done such a thing.  Immediately they pointed at Dolosa, and searched her dwelling.  Dolosa objected, however her cries were not heard nor heeded.  “She is only protesting because she knows she is guilty” The animals reasoned.  Sure enough, the necklace was found, and Dolosa was shocked.  She had no idea as to how the necklace got into her house, but when she tried to plead this, the animals silenced her.  However, by their laws the possession of a stolen object, along with the un-sanctioned searched, they couldn’t arrest her, though they were going to watch her.
Dolosa ran to Father Verum, and embraced him tightly sobbing when she found him.  “Father... I am so confused.  Why is this happening to me?” She cried, holding the cock tightly.
“My child, I know you did not steal that necklace.  How could you, when you were giving confession that night at the time of the burglary.”  Dolosa nodded, the tears moistening her fur.
Meanwhile, Malfoy was laughing heartily with Balato and Pius.  Certus, however, was not laughing.  He knew that Pius was only laughing to fit in, and that Balatro was simply an idiot.  However, he still felt slightly left out.  He didn’t like Malfoy, but no-one else would talk to him beside his brother, who was another one of Malfoy’s group.  “That girl is so dumb,” Malfoy howled.
“Yeah,” Balato agreed, nodding his head, as did Pius.  Certus hesitated, and only nodded when Malfoy fixed him a glare.  However, Certus’ agreement made Malfoy smile again, as he started to expound how he could use the distrust of the people towards the fox to further his own goals.  Over the next few weeks, robberies continued to happen, and Dolosa was blamed for each one, even if no-one could satisfactorily connect the crimes to the Fox.
“I don’t understand it...” Dolosa said to Certus one night, when the two were basically alone.  Malfoy, Balato, and Pius were all laughing about something that nither the fox nor the lamb could tell.  Certus shifted uncomfortably, and quickly tried to change the subject.
“So, read any good books lately?” He asked feebly, looking at Dolosa.  She was frowning.
“Certus... what do you know?”  Certus looked down, but Dolosa persisted.  “Certus, what do you know?” Dolosa put a bit of emphasis on this last word.  She noticed that Malfoy often did a similar thing, though his emphasis was much harsher than the one Dolosa employed.  Certus squirmed again, and there was a short spell of silence.  A burst of laughter came from Malofy, causing Certus to look at the wolf.  It was dark, the only lighting being from the sliver of the moon and the stars, so all that really could be seen was the wolf’s outline.
The lamb suddenly stood up, and motioned to Dolosa.  “Come, I have something to tell you.”  Dolosa looked curious, and got up quickly.  The two walked until the outline of Malfoy’s group could no longer be seen, then some more, hiding in the trees.
“What is it Certus?” Dolosa asked, slightly nervous.  No-one had ever been alone with her like this other than Father Verum.
“I have to tell you... Dolosa I’m so sorry... I never wanted to go along with it...”
“What is it Certus?” Dolosa asked, glaring at the lamb, who was shaking.
Certus swallowed loudly, then spoke, “It was Malfoy who has been stealing everything.  He framed you with the necklace, knowing you couldn’t be arrested for that particular offence.  However, he used the opportunity to engage on a crime spree, trusting the other animals would blame you.”
Dolosa was shocked.  “But... why?  Why did he tend to stick up for me?”
“He wanted to keep you close as a way of, as he put it, ‘throwing you off the scent’.  No-one would expect a friend to frame them, and that way he could find out more about your personality and how you act, so it seems as if you stole those things instead of him, even if he did end up with them.”
Dolosa’s shock had, by this point, melted into disgust.  She stood up and loomed over Certus.  “You knew about this... you KNEW about this... and you didn’t tell anyone?!” Dolosa’s voice dripped with barely suppressed rage.  Certus backed into the crook of a tree as Dolosa stepped forward.  “I can’t believe this... you... you just kept this to yourself?!”
“I-I’m sorry Dolosa...” Certus bleated feebly, “I didn’t like it... I didn’t agree with it... I tried to protest... but... but...”
Dolosa’s anger with Certus slowly melted away like the early spring ice.  “I know Certus... better than you do.” And she did.  Dolosa had been trying to fit in her entire life, and had found herself trying to convince herself she agreed with something even when she truly didn’t.
“I am sorry...” Certus said again, but this time Dolosa smiled.
“It’s alright Certus, I forgive you.”  She helped the lamb to his feet.  “Now, let’s get back at the big bad wolf shall we?”  Dolosa had a glint in her eye that Certus had never seen there before.  This glint showed the first true sign of her real personality, and for some reason, it sent shivers of pleasure down Certus’ spine.  Finally the trumpets call... The lamb thought, The day of judgement is here, and you’re being tried Malfoy.
The next day, the two were questioned by Malfoy, but with a quick deception and twisting of the truth, Dolosa managed to convince the wolf that the only thing of interest was a half-imaginary kiss, for Dolosa had pecked Certus on the cheek before they returned to Malfoy that night.  Once Malfoy was satisfied that Dolosa and Certus were ‘dating’ (though nether actually said they were going out with each other), the two skipped off to the Church, where they found Father Verum.  After informing him on what Malfoy was doing, and laying down a plan, Verum quickly accepted, and the plan started to come together.
Over the next week, Dolosa and Certus were often seen together, talking.  Malfoy didn’t think much of this, though he had warned Certus about associating with Dolosa.  The lamb merely nodded, and left the wolf’s presence.  The crimes had stopped, and Malfoy saw the opportunity to get rid of both Dolosa and Certus at the same time.  It was so SIMPLE, the church had just gotten a travelling relic, the bones of some old saint.
Malfoy snorted, Really, these people are such fools he thought Believing there is a God.  All there is to life is to get your way and die, nothing more, nothing less.  The wolf was planning on stealing the relic, not because he really needed or wanted it, but because he could make millions on the black market with it.  With an added bonus, he could stage it so that Dolosa and Certus took the blame, getting two ticks off his back at the same time. So... he started to plot.
It was Monday morning, 2:00 AM.  Malfoy picked this time to be perfect, everyone would be asleep, the relic was to be moved later in the day, and the church’s security wasn’t exactly the best.  The wolf started to pick the lock, then noticed the door was open.  Child’s play, he thought, opening the door silently, closing it behind him.  The giant chapel had two rows of benches stretching down the aisle.  Malfoy ignored the cleansing alter, and dashed straight down the centre of the aisle.
This was all too easy, it was almost as if the church was ASKING for the bones to stolen.  He came to a cabinet, and quickly picked the lock.  He was excited, and relaxed, and everyone knows that relaxed thieves are destined for prison.  Malfoy failed to notice the silent alarm on the inside of the cabinet, but even if he had, it would not have mattered.  There were a dozen ways out of the chapel, the police would have only a slight glimpse of Malfoy before he dashed away with his prize.  He expected it, and didn’t think much of it when he finally noticed.
What he did not expect was a trip-alarm on the bottom of the box of bones.  The alarm went off, and Malfoy started, clutching the box close to him.  Voices could be heard, someone had been expecting him.  No matter, he could get out through the catacombs, and so he dashed down a small door that lead to the priest’s cell, and the passage to the catacombs.  The cell door was open though, and standing there, was Dolosa.  She had a large grin plastered on her face, and her tail was twitching in delight.
“YOU!” Malfoy cried, glaring at the fox.  He turned to head back up the passage and saw Certus closing the door behind the wolf.  “CERTUS YOU TREATEROUS BASTARD!” Malfoy bellowed, then turned on Dolosa again.  He could take her, place the casket of bones in her hands, and pin the robbery on her.  He’d lose the money from the black-market sale of the relic, but he could still get Dolosa thrown in jail instead of himself.  And if Certus tried to protest, well, no-one would hear the bleating of a lamb as proof compared to the amazing, honest Malfoy.
“Fancy seeing you here Malfoy.” It was Dolosa, and she was still grinning.
There was a twinkle in her eye that slightly unnerved Malfoy, but he spoke back, “Enjoy your last moments of freedom fox, for soon I will be gone and you arrested!”
“Oh, I don’t think so.  What were you planning on doing with that anyway?”  Dolosa asked back calmly.  Malfoy sneered, but decided that there was no harm in explaining his plan.  The only one who would hear would be the Fox, and no-one would believe her.
“I was planning on selling the bones, then blaming it on you.  It seems that I won’t be able to sell the damned things now, but I’ll still get rid of you.”  Malfoy grinned, and rushed at Dolosa.  The fox simply smirked, and stood aside, heading into the Priest’s Cell, and closing the door.
It only took a second for Malfoy to realize something was wrong, but it took another minute to fully understand his situation.  Behind the door was the towns animals, at the fore-front was Father Verum, the Mayor, a stern-faced tortuous who was definitely getting on in his years, and the chief of police, a huge bear with his left-eye half-blind.
“Arrest him Chief.” The mayor commanded, frowning.  Malfoy seemed to had been bad after all.
“Yes Mr. Mayor” The bear replied, taking two strides over to the wolf.  As he tried to remove the case from Malfoy’s hands, the wolf snarled, and threw the case away.  The wood splintered against the stone, and an old T-shirt was inside, no bones.  Malfoy howled, and rushed at the crowd.  The chief of police along with two pigs from the crowd wrestled the wolf to the ground, hogtieing him.  Dolosa opened the door to the priest’s cell, and smirked down at Malfoy.
“How... how did this happen.”  Malfoy snarled, and Dolosa supplied the answer.
“Yesterday Father Verum and myself went to the Mayor, and told him that we were expecting someone to rob the church.  The mayor was sceptical, but we managed to convince him to set up some extra precautions, one was a secret alarm.  This alarm, when tripped, played trumpets alerting the town.  You may have heard it, but it would have been feint.  I then gathered together some of the town and went through the catacombs, the most likely way of your escape.  As predicted, you tripped the alarm which we had rigged earlier, replacing the real bones with a box with an old t-shirt hidden within it.  You know the rest.”
Malfoy growled, snapping at Dolosa, and was quickly fitted with a muzzle.  Dolosa giggled slightly as Malfoy was dragged away, then the mayor addressed Dolosa.
“Well Miss. Dolosa... I suppose I owe you an apology.  We all do, we were wrong.”  Dolosa turned to the tortuous, and was surprised to see that the tortuous had bowed his head towards her, and all the animals behind him repeated this action.  However, despite the embarrassment that was welling up inside her, she smiled.   It was odd, true, and her life had been hard.  She had struggled against prejudice and pre-judgement.  However, somehow she knew, she knew that everything was going to be all right.
This is a short beast-fable I wrote for literature. I'm not sure if it's good or not, but as usual, comments are encouraged but no flaming please.
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